

Presencially on Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR), CEP 80215-901. Curitiba, Paraná


Registrations are handled by CBSoft. Please refer to the CBSoft 2024 website for further details.

Code of Conduct

VEM is committed to provide a welcoming space for all attendees. VEM requests everyone to show respect for those around you.

The main goal of a workshop is to promote the freedom of thought and expression, and the open exchange of ideas among all participants. This means that the workshop provides an environment where participants do not fear any harassment.

VEM is concerned in promoting a free harassment workshop experience for all participants, regardless of race, age, religion (or the lack of it), gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, and disability. During the workshop, all the communication must be appropriate for all participants, including talks. Those who violate these rules might be sanctioned or expelled from the workshop without a refund.

If you are being harassed, or you notice another person is being harassed, or you have any other concerns, please contact a member of the workshop staff immediately. The organization members will be ready to provide you with the appropriate support.