September 27, 2021 | |
09:00-09:10 | Opening |
09:10-10:05 |
Keynote by Roberta Coelho
Chair: Fernando Castor |
10:05-10:30 |
Session 1: Program comprehension
Chair: Catarina Costa |
10:06-10:18 |
Readability and Understandability Scores for Snippet Assessment: an Exploratory Study Carlos Eduardo C. Dantas and Marcelo A. Maia |
10:18-10:30 |
BOHR - Uma Ferramenta para a Identificação de Átomos de Confusão em Códigos Java Wendell Mendes, Windson Viana, and Lincoln Rocha |
10:45-11:33 |
Session 2: Software evolution and quality
Chair: Ivan Machado |
10:45-10:57 |
Assessing the Occurrence of Blocking Operations in Database Schema Evolution: A Case Study Willie Lawrence and Eiji Adachi |
10:57-11:09 |
Caracterizando a evolução de software de contratos inteligentes: Um estudo exploratório-descritivo utilizando GitHub e Etherscan Alan Rodrigues, Allysson Allex Araújo, Matheus Paixao, and Pamella Soares |
11:09-11:21 |
Uma Análise da Co-Evolução de Teste em Projetos de Software no GitHub Charles Miranda, Guilherme Avelino, Pedro Santos Neto, and Victor da Silva |
11:21-11:33 |
Investigating vulnerability datasets Rodrigo Andrade and Vinícius Santos |
11:39-12:15 |
Session 3: Code smells and refactoring
Chair: Carla Bezerra |
11:39-11:51 |
Bad Smells in Javascript - A Mapping Study Aryclenio Xavier Barros and Eiji Adachi |
11:51-12:03 |
Revealing Developers’ Arguments on Validating the Incidence of Code Smells: A Focus Group Experience Luis Felipi Junionello, Rafael de Mello, Roberto Oliveira, Leonardo Sousa, Alexander López, and Alessandro Garcia |
12:03-12:15 |
Minerando Motivações para Aplicação de Extract Method: Um Estudo Preliminar Jalisson Henrique, Marcos Dósea, and Cláudio Sant’Anna |
15:45-16:09 |
Session 4: Human factors
Chair: Gustavo Pinto |
15:45-15:57 |
Say my name! An empirical study on the pronounceability of identifier names Remo Gresta and Elder Cirilo |
15:57-16:09 |
What do software team managers want from a skills identification? Matheus A. Flauzino, Mauricio R. D. A. Souza, Vinicius H. S. Durelli, and Rafael S. Durelli |
16:10-17:05 |
Keynote by Sarah Nadi
Chair: Igor Wiese |
17:05-17:15 | Closing |